
Están pasando cosas en el CERN

Miguel Pérez de Lema

Dios sigue dando señales en el CERN.

Tras los fallos del acelerador de partículas en momentos decisivos, siempre que los físicos se precipitaban a anunciar un nuevo experimento definitivo que descubriría los secretos del jefe, ahora uno de los científicos ateos que manejan el aparato ha vivido en primera persona una epifanía y anuncia su conversión súbita al cristianismo.

Avisados estáis.


CERN scientist converts to Christianity after “divine vision from Heaven”

GENEVA | A nuclear physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has recently welcomed Christianity in his heart after a “profound vision” during tests at the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider.

German nuclear physicist and professor at the Department of physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Gunther Scheizle, surprised his colleagues this week when he revealed his faith in a Christian God.

“I can understand my coworkers surprise, I have always been known as somewhat of a no-nonsense, anti-religious atheist,” he told the Gemeinschaft des Herrn, a German Christian newspaper based in Munich. “I once threw a heavy physics book at one of my students just because he even mentioned the possibility of Intelligent Design in the universe. I guess he was right after all,” he acknowledged with a grin.

Angels of light

The 57-year-old had a troubling experience last January after he experienced a heart attack during one of the most powerful tests to be done on the large hadron collider yet.

“We tried to push the hadron collider’s limits that day and beat our record of 6.5 teraelectronvolts (TeV) per beam and that is when I started to feel uneasy and eventually lost consciousness,” he recalls. “Although I was unconscious and my body lay paralyzed on the floor, I felt like I was outside my body and could hear and see all the commotion my heart failure had caused around me,” he explains. “That is when beings of light came and comforted me. They did not say anything, but I knew I was going to survive and that my mission on earth had not yet been accomplished. I knew I was not dead” he remembers, still visibly under shock. “All I remember after that is waking up in the ambulance in excruciating pain,” he explained.

An inexplicable phenomenon

During the next weeks, Professor Gunther Scheizle says he had to redefine his understanding of life and the universe.

“The following weeks were extremely hard on me, not as much as physically, but extremely mentally challenging. All my preconceived notions of reality were permanently destroyed. How could I face my fellow coworkers and family with such an incoherent story? Did I really see what I had seen or was it a mere illusion? These devastating thoughts kept me in utter turmoil for the next weeks until I decided to ask help from a local preacher who told me that I had been visited by angels. I had never been into a church in all my life before that moment,” he recalls, tears in his eyes.

Although Professor Gunther Scheizle still does not fully understand what has truly happened to him, he wished to tell his story to others because he could no longer live with this burden on his shoulders, he told the Gemeinschaft des Herrn. “All I hope now, is that my fellow coworkers respect my beliefs and newly-found understanding of the world and may God help us find the true meaning of life, be it through prayer or science,” he concluded.

4 respuestas a «Están pasando cosas en el CERN»

Que yo sepa, la ciencia siempre ha respetado las creencias. Desde Einstein a Newton, hay muchos científicos con diferentes creencias. Lo que la ciencia no admite como tal, son creencias sin pruebas. Si Dios decide iluminar ¿qué motivo hay para hacerlo con unos pocos? ¿por qué ofrece diferentes versiones de la verdad para cada iluminado?

Perdona que haya tardado tanto en colgar tu comentario. Se había ido a la carpeta de spam y no lo había visto.

Si la ciencia ilumina, también lo hace unos pocos, a los pocos que están metidos en los laboratorios trabajando en ellos ¿no? Porque algo como el CERN, sólo está al alcance de unos pocos cerebritos. Personalmente creo que la voz que nos habla, llámesele conciencia o dios, es lo que hay. Y creo que todo el mundo la tiene. Unos la escuchan y otros no. Los menos, le ponen nombre, construyen un relato alrededor de ella y fundan religiones.

Primero fui creyente, pero muchas cosas me resultaban increíbles. Después fui ateo, pero me costaba creer que todo fuese una casualidad. Después fui agnóstico, pero no me podía creer que la verdad estuviera fuera de mi alcance. Ahora creo en lo que intuyo. Me alegro de que el CERN confirme mi intuición.

A mi me parece que vivimos un momento histórico muy interesante porque cada vez se acercan más y de forma no contradictoria los aspectos esenciales de nuestros siempre precarios conocimientos Científicos, Filosóficos y Religiosos.

El artículo de Robert –sobre la muerte de un niño al caer de un árbol en el colegio– complementa este apunte de Miguel y es otra forma de expresar el deseo y la esperanza de llegar a las grandes praderas con una Teoría Unificada de lo Transitorio y de lo Eterno.

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